Who marks bold Orion commanding the southern sky
Saturn bright to the west, a beacon there?
Cold northwest wind makes clear the night
Moonlight slides down the harbor
Bare tree limbs in sharp outline
Lights sparkling on the southern shore
A green blinking marker twinkles in the foreground
At dawn a ruddy sky to the east, dark clouds above
A low gossamer mist like a scrim above the water
Beams of light reflected off structures afar
A streak hits the bedroom wall
A familiar photo gleams in its frame
The room is warm and brightly lit
Imagine awakening to the day and the realization
Of your beauty and vigor fully sensing your zestful
Creative self. Your playfulness and inner strength.
Your joy in living!
Reflecting within the wonders that are without.

-LRW, 1994

This poem was written by my uncle who was (and is) an inspiration.